Color Glens Falls


Over the last few months, we have been humbled and inspired by how our community has banded together to support one another during such a challenging time. Every small gesture, from rainbows in windows to honking for heroes is a reminder of why we are so lucky to call Hometown, USA our home. We have been motivated by our neighbors who have continued to keep Glens Falls shining so we've partnered with Glens Falls Living to create some color of our own!




For the last five weeks, we have released a new coloring page to share with our neighbors. We decided to focus on some of the landmarks of Glens Falls, including City Hall, Crandall Park (with some hot air balloons, of course!) and Glens Falls Hospital! We tried to include some slices of hometown charm, which is easy when you’re looking out at the beautiful spring landscape and classic downtown skyline. With the hashtag, #ColorGlensFalls, we wanted to highlight some of our favorite scenes and encourage others to share their own masterpieces!

If you want to color them all now or save them for a rainy day, you can download them below.

Photography courtesy of Glens Falls Living




We have found that self-care is crucial these days and spending a little time coloring rainbows and tulips is not only care for yourself but for our community as well. We love to see your creations so make sure to tag us @sidekick_creative and @glensfallsliving and share with the hashtag #ColorGlensFalls! We owe a huge thank you to Tom and Bri for their beautiful photography and uplifting messages. We hope everybody is staying safe, healthy and finds some time in their day to bring a little color into their homes!


Communication is Key, Now More than Ever.


Creative KickStart: Behind-the-Scenes