Meet Candice!


We are so excited to introduce our newest Sidekick and Senior Graphic Designer — Candice Anderson! We have actually known Candice for years, have been closely following her design chops over on her Instagram, and even partnered with her on a few projects over the past few months — so adding her as a team member was pretty much meant to be! She’s a designer-of-all-trades with impeccable attention to detail and a sense of humor. We can’t wait for you to meet her, but until then, here are some fun facts about Candice!

Why graphic design?

Growing up in Florida, I always wanted to work for Disney. Adults always said 'you can't make money as an artist' which scared me, so chose something that felt like the middle ground between art and business. I didn't even realize that graphic design was even a thing until I got out of High School.

Where do you draw inspiration for your designs?

Probably everywhere. Life IS inspiration, amirite?

What type of design projects are you passionate about and why?

I like a good mix, to be honest. Think of it like a good meal...a balance of different textures and flavors. You get the creativity of logo/branding projects, the puzzle aspect of layout projects, and the straightforwardness of resizes/production work.

Favorite type of design project?

If I had to choose, probably layout. I'm kind of a neat-freak, so I like the organizational aspect of putting a given set of elements together in a way that's visually pleasing.

Favorite design tool?

InDesign and Illustrator are my sweet spot, but I'm growing more and more fond of drawing on the iPad using Procreate.

Favorite tv show, movie and/or book?

I love all things history related. I really geek out over the Middle Ages. Anything with swords, castles, kings/queens and I'm there!

Hidden talent?

I'm an over-sharer, so not much is hidden. haha

What do you like to do when you're not designing?

Drawing, reading, taking macro photos of mushrooms, or off in the woods somewhere learning to identify the different types of trees in the Northeast.

General fun facts:

  1. Love nature. Love all animals...even spiders.

  2. Born and Raised in Florida but hate the heat and the combo of saltwater + sand (sticky, ew)

  3. Favorite music genre: movie scores

  4. Only other job that I've had outside design is in swimming pools. So if you need help balancing your pool water, I'm your girl!

  5. Tacos are my spirit animal.

  6. I was in the Macy's Parade back in 2001.

  7. HP fan (Ravenclaw for life)


Meet Grace!


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